Re: Slann Necron name change

From: Gary <gary_clark1946_at_...>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 21:43:20 -0000

Why "must" we change any thing. GW fluff is as about as inconsistant
as it gets.

You made my point about the Slann and the Necron.
Originally, the Necron were created by the Slann. The other is a
newer change of fluff and Codex.

Of course I could be wrong... wouldn't be the first time. ;)
... besides, who listens to someone that is working on a Smurf
Army. :) And you thought those blue guys that were running around
were Ultra Marines. :)
I do have a bit of doubt about puting apples and peanuts on the
table though. (there just have to be Smurfier way) ;)


--- In netepic_at_...m, Stephane Montabert <kotrin_at_y...>
> I have to disagree with those saying that a name
> change is not required. A name change IS required.
> Necrons have been around for a number of years now in
> W40K universe and can hardly being considered an
> oddity - they are here to stay. Sorry, but for once I
> don't buy the "a pox on the "suits" of GW!" stance of
> Gary.
> In their Codex (if I remember correctly) they are
> completely unrelated to Slanns - they are followers of
> C'tan, which designed them as a cursed gift to
> immortality and to wage war on another race which is
> more Slann-like than any other. So it's more than odd
> to have them in line with Slann armies, as they have
> been created to fight them!
> Now, I understand that we are all old players with old
> armies and that anything is seen as an annoyance (as
> old people react...), even a mere name change. But
> frankly, the gap between NetEpic and W40K player would
> be hard to assume with such a discrepancy. Keeping
> things as they stand now would be wrong - it's not
> like maintaining OOP races like Squats or expanding on
> loose ends like Exodites or Dark Eldars, it's clearly
> like designing our own NetEpic universe unrelated to
> GW one.

I don't agree but what is wrong with that?
as Eric says ... "It's better to enlarge the game than to restrict
the players." -- Eric Wujcik
> Although I understand and somehow abide to this point
> of view, the problem is that it's a big issue on
> allowing the release of a true Necron list like GW
> did.
> Strange to defend GW over some members of the NetEpic
> community, but it happens ;)
> Stephane
> PS: For me Slanntyrs would fit the bill. What about a poll?
> .:: ::.
> "It's better to enlarge the game than to restrict the players." --
Eric Wujcik
A poll souns like a reasonalble idea.

Received on Fri Jan 27 2006 - 21:43:20 UTC

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