Hi Stephane,
Before it is sold I will take some close ups. My
painting isn't Pro but I think they came out nicely. I
liked this army but I had started it after my first
monster space marine army was done. I thought of
trying to go for 100000 pts worth of various armies
but fell short at 65K (Orcs, Space Marines, Tyranids,
Squats and Imperial Guard). Peter I am not worthy!!!!
I think he has more points in titans than I do in my
total army.
I took a handful of pictures for the posting. You can
email me at d.r.spano at worldnet.att.net and I can
send you a pic at a time since I am still on dial-up
and they are 1 Meg each.
--- Stephane <kotrin_at_...> wrote:
> Nice army. Any chance to get pictures taken from
> closer?
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Received on Tue Apr 11 2006 - 23:25:27 UTC