Necron Alt Tanks: Wyrd Mini Sale (205 off!)

From: Toma Diener <peyoterattle_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 14:30:47 -0000

 Anyone thinking about building or expanding a Necron Force
should take a look-look at this:

Wyrd makes a 'steam-punk Arachnid swarm' that IMo (and for my
Army) is the -perfect- Necron Tank or "Knight" class titan
(three spiders for $3.50USD, less 20% = $2.80 !!)

(the Best Picture can be seen here:
Bonus: The 'Ramos: SteamPunk Sorceror is 28mm, so you can
judge scale...
Plus, I am convinced that 'Ramos' has a First Name; Peter....)

The Catalogue page for ordering is here:
The Swarm is about half-way down...

I have been slowly building a Necron force, and I think 10 packs
of these babies will finally let me put it on the TableTop....
Received on Mon Aug 28 2006 - 14:30:47 UTC

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