Comparisons are difficult I think. But, a Phantom with 2 Pulsars and 2
Missile Wings is 650 points and far, far superior to a pair of Revenants.
The difference between a 100cm weapon and a 75cm weapon is huge. At 600 I
would never field Revenants when for 50 points more I can take the super
Phantom and stay out of the enemies range. I also wouldn't call a CAF of
7 very high. Maybe a better comparison is with Eldar Knights...600 points
would get you 2 full detachments of Bright Stallions/Stalkers.....much
more firepower and CAF then 2 Revenants. If you compare with the 2
Warhounds with a total of 4 Quake Cannon it is also hard to argue that
Revenants should be more expensive than that I think.
I think 400 was deliberate....maybe a bit too cheap, but IMO 600 is a lot
too dear. I still think 450 is a good price for them.
I'm fairly certain that the logic is that if a Knight can carry a Quake
Cannon then surely a Warhound Scout Titan can. Hard to argue with that
logic. Pretty sure I saw a poll on it too. Also note they can now use
the Gatling Blaster and Power/Chain Fist, but lose the MRL.
Does pose an interesting question on Quake Cannon vs. Holo fields. Does a
Quake cannon shot ignore the Holo field, but have to scater once
Perhaps it is easier to compare to Warhounds. IMHO Revenants are quite
better than warhounds. Except for their vulnerability to psychic attacks
barrages, they outstand over warhounds in every aspect. Except for those
Quake cannons. And I still don't know why now warhounds can carry quake
cannons. A Quake cannon is not a Scout titan weapon, is a siege titan
weapon. They were never able to carry them and I don't remember any
discussion or poll in the list about it. Maybe it's an error (or one of
those army list changes in v5 that occurred misteriously without anyone
Received on Mon Mar 19 2007 - 00:53:37 UTC