Imperial navy organization part 3

From: talos402000 <talos402000_at_...>
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2007 20:15:59 -0000

Types and Compositions of Squadrons
This is a list of squadrons found throughout the Imperial Navy Air
Forces. It is in no way a complete list and is just to give an
example of the kind of squadrons found throughout the Imperium of
man. Squadrons may have additional flights that provide supporting
functions such as analysis and planning.

Interceptor Squadron
Primary Purpose: Air-to-Air
Mission Types: Escort, Area Sweep, CAP
Aircraft: 12-24 Lightings
Organization: 3-6 Flights/2-4 Elements/2 Aircraft

DEAD Squadron
Primary Purpose: Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses
Mission Types: DEAD
Aircraft: 12-24 Thunderbolts
Organization: 3-6 Flights/2-4 Elements/2 Aircraft

Fighter Squadron
Primary Purpose: Tactical Fighter
Mission Types: Air-to-Air, CAS, CAP, DEAD, Interdiction
Aircraft: 12-24 Thunderbolts/Lightings/Lighting Strikes
Organization: 3-6 Flights/2-4 Elements/2 Aircraft

Ground Attack/CAS Squadron
Primary Purpose: Ground Attack
Mission Types: CAS, DEAD, Interdiction
Aircraft: 12-24 Thunderbolts/Lighting Strikes
Organization: 3-6 Flights/2-4 Elements/2 Aircraft

Ground Attack/CAS Bomber Squadron
Primary Purpose: Ground Attack
Mission Types: CAS, DEAD, Interdiction
Aircraft: 6-12 Marauder Destroyers
Organization: 3-6 Flights/2-4 Elements/1 Aircraft

Bomber Squadron
Primary Purpose: Ground Attack
Mission Types: Strategic Attack, DEAD, Interdiction
Aircraft: 6-12 Marauders
Organization: 3-6 Flights/2-4 Elements/1 Aircraft

Tactical Squadron
Primary Purpose: Tactical Insertion
Mission Types: Air Assault, Rescue, Air Transport
Aircraft: 9-18 Valkyries & 3-6 Vultures
Organization: 3-6 Flights/2-4 Elements/1 Aircraft

Recon and Rescue Squadron
Primary Purpose: Tactical Insertion
Mission Types: Tactical Recon, Rescue
Aircraft: 4-6 Valkyries, 2-3 Vultures, 0-4 Recon Thunderbolts
Organization: 3-6 Flights/2-4 Elements/2 Aircraft

High Altitude Recon Squadron
Primary Purpose: Recon
Mission Types: Strategic Recon
Aircraft: 4-8 Marauder Recons
Organization: 2-4 Flights/2-4 Elements/1 Aircraft

Supply Squadron
Primary Purpose: Transport
Mission Types: Tactical / Strategic / General / VIP Transport
Aircraft: 12-48 Arvus Lighters or Hast Transports
Organization: 2-4 Flights/2-4 Elements/1-4 Aircraft

VIP Squadron
Primary Purpose: Transport
Mission Types: Tactical / VIP / General Transport
Aircraft: 4-12 Arvus Lighters / Aquilas 0-24 Thunderbolts / Lightings
Organization: 2-4 Flights/2-4 Elements/1-4 Aircraft

Transport Squadron
Primary Purpose: Transport
Mission Types: Strategic / General Transport
Aircraft: 12-48 Arvus Lighters or Hast Transports
Organization: 2-4 Flights/2-4 Elements/1-4 Aircraft

This is only an overview of the most common and basic structure
found throughout the the Emperor's Imperial Navy Air Forces. There
can be huge variation throughout the Air Forces and sometimes
Imperial Guard Regiments full fill the same functions as the INAF
wings. The Imperial Navy is a vast organization steeped in
traditions dating back to the very formation of the Imperium and
some of its structures are rare in the extreme, possibly only one in
the entirety of the Emperor's Imperial warmachine. It is up to the
individual commander to determine what structures he actually needs
to achieve success against the enemy.

Force Organizational ideas drawn from 20th and 21st century western
air forces, primarily the RAF, USAAF, and USAF. I also drew on
information regarding the Imperial Navy Air Wings in the Taros
Campaign, from Imperial Armour 3: The Taros Campaign and what I
remember from reading Double Eagle (I need to get a new copy
Received on Sun Apr 01 2007 - 20:15:59 UTC

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