...first of all I want to greet all epic fans. I am Kai and I live in
germany near by hamburg. I am 28 years old but nevertheless my
english is not the best, however my german is considerably better!
I played epic in my youth in the age of 14 and for two weeks my old
group met again and now we are back! I had to confess that there were
many changes in the time and I am happy to see that the is found a
epic-group like ntepic.
I talked in the forum of netepic and there were many interisting
dicussions due to the rule book. Can someone tell my where I can find
the results of discussions ue to rule changements?
For example: We discussed...
the cost value for robots 100 instedt of 150 (like n the old sm2nd
thetyranids titan fix save will reduce due to weapons with penetration
the cost value for ace wolfes landspeeder is higher then thenormal
costs for land speeder, but the cost value for space wolfes attack
bikes stayed the the same..either, or...
I m hopefully tht you could give me a lle indroduction due to the
epic group and how I can propose some new rules and how I can find
out if the rules are changed?
regards kai
Received on Fri Apr 27 2007 - 05:25:35 UTC
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