Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Stats for all Models (Was: Ork Zzap Gun Question)

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 14:39:29 +1000
I could buy the -1 with 0cm movement.  Seems fair.

If you think so.  A better option might be to give them permanent cover (giving the -1 to hit) so that things that ignore cover also ignore the sandbags.  Post up the stats and cost you are interested in for people to comment on.

I'm just trying to make stats for the cool new models that are out.  I
just want to make sure that the new models can be incorporated into the
game - new and creative ways to blow stuff up! ; :)

Sure, that's all well and good but can have us falling into the trap of having too much stuff.  You need to ask if there really is a need to have the new stuff or not.  Sure there's cool new models but are they just new versions of older models?  For the IG heavy weapons, the answer is yes.  Once upon a time the IG carried their heavy weapons on their shoulders like the Marines did.  Then GW realised a regular human probably couldn't do that and made their heavies ground-mounted.  They are the same unit but they just look different.  Do we need to make new rules for them?  Not really.  Its like GW releasing a new model for the Ork Gargants.  They look different and are new.  Should we do up new rules for the new Gargant models even though they are basically the same?  No.  Should we do up new rules for the new Eldar Revenants because they look completely different to the original ones?  No.  They are the same unit, they just look different and are newer.

-Kelvin.... Received on Thu May 10 2007 - 04:39:29 UTC

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