I would sugest you by all your infantry from GZG.
Fire Warriors and Scouts I would use DSM-135 UNSC Marines Hardsuit Infantry
Stealth Suits I would use DSM-129 NSL Power Armour Platoon
And the for Kroot use the Kra'Vak as Kelvin suggested.
As for the power armour, you could consider some 15 mm GZG minis or have a look at Iron Wind models (WZkid?)
From: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com [mailto:netepic_at_yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Kelvin Henderson
Sent: 8. august 2007 01:40
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Tau stands
I'm thinking about putting together an Epic Tau army and I'm trying to
work out how many miniatures to put on each troop stand. Am I correct in
the following?
Yay! Another Tau player! I am the person to talk to! I recently purchased a substantial Tau army and am constructing it as we speak.
Fire Warriors: 5 miniatures per stand
Pathfinders/Pathfinder Snipers: 5 miniatures per stand
Pathfinders: yes. PF Snipers: I'd suggest 3 to a stand. Its what I am doing.
Stealthsuits: 3 miniatures per stand
Yep. Its fairly representative of a 40K squad and means a single Stealthsuit pack from FW makes a detachment.
Kroot: 5 miniatures per stand
Gun/Shield Drones: 5 miniatures per stand
Gun Drones: Yes. Shield Drones: there is no need to actually put a Shield Drone stand together as they have no actual game stats for a stand, but if you want to, they would be 3 to 5 per stand.
Broadside/Crisis Battlesuits: 1 miniature per stand (since they're
Yes, especially if you are using the square bases.
If anyone has any suggestions about building a Tau army, I'd be grateful
to hear them.
Absolutely! My suggestions:
Cost-wise: the Tau are expensive! The tanks and flyers from Forgeworld are pretty decent value but its the battlesuits and infantry that are the killer! The Kroot Carnivores and Tau Fire Warriors are insanely expensive. For the Fire Warriors is suggest using Dark Realm Miniatures' Kraytonian "Karrok II and Guard" infantry packs (
http://www.darkrealmminiatures.com <
http://www.darkrealmminiatures.com/> ). The Kraytonian Guard figures look a helluva lot like Fire Warriors. All you do is snip off the sword tip and carve the eyes off each side of the face and you have a Fire Warrior. At £4 per pack of 39 Guard figures, you get a lot of bang for your buck (I am using the single Karrok II figure you get in each pack as an Ethereal). They are what I am using. For Pathfinders I am using the DRM Kraytonian Scouts. For Kroot I am currently using the billion Ork figures I have lying around but will eventually get around to using the GZG Dirtside Kra'Vak 6mm infantry figures (
http://www.gzg.com <
http://www.gzg.com/> ). These proxies will save you a lot of cash!
Everything else I use is from the Forgeworld range except the Swordfish (I am trying to track down a good Swordfish proxy at the moment). For decent proxy tanks I recommend the Brigade Models 6mm Pacific Federation (PacFed) range (
http://www.brigademodels.co.uk <
http://www.brigademodels.co.uk/> ). They are hovertanks/APCs that could pass as Tau at a pinch but really, the Forgeworld lines are best. You can get decent proxy battlesuits from the GZG Dirtside range by using their Hound Dog Support Walker figures. It is possible to make Gun/Shield Drones from thin plastic strip and dress-maker's pins but it is time-consuming and requires a lot of patience. In the end I gave up and just bought the FW ones.
A word of caution with the Forgeworld products: be careful of their quality control!! Many of the Epic Tau moulds are getting very old and so the quality of the figures can be pretty bad. The Stealthsuits and Tank chassis I was sent were absolutely shocking. Yes, they did try to fix my problems but they are slow about it. If you have problems with them, call them regardless of where you live. Do not use email as they may never answer you. For more details on my Forgeworld ordeal see here:
http://defiantgaming.com/Forums/viewtopic.php?t=1115 .
Gaming-wise: Get a hold of the most recent incarnation of the Tau rules (V5.3) from the NetEpic Files Folder (in the NetEpic V5.0 folder) and read them carefully. There a lot of significant changes from the V5.0 list. I have yet to win a battle with them but I feel that is because I haven't found the right groove for them. Battlesuits are your friend! Crisis Suits with their Fire-on-the-Fly and Quickdraw abilities make them incredibly dangerous. They are well worth their cost, especially the Cadre. Mantas are the bizness! They trash anything that comes their way and look awesome too boot (they just cost a bomb cash-wise). Kroot are almost essential. Without decent or expendable CC troops the Tau can struggle, so the Kroot are very important, especially late in the game. Go for as many objectives as possible as fast as possible! You need to try and get them before your opponent does because taking them back can be a chore without CC troopers.
Finally: if you do get a Tau army up and running, please send in lots of feedback on them. Despite recent work, they are still the least play-tested army in the NetEpic ranks and need all the play-testing we can give them.
Good luck with it all!
Received on Wed Aug 08 2007 - 10:44:35 UTC