Re: [NetEpic ML] Digest Number 2051

From: Bruce Scott <B.Scott_at_...>
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 10:15:47 +1000

I suspect the Dark Eldar and Exodite lists might give the Tau a run for
their money in the least tested stakes, and I'm not sure too many people
have given the Necrons in their current incarnation much of a bash either.
 The two Eldar lists look kinda under-done, and the Necrons look uber.
Hopefully once the Tau are fully in "stable release" we can start working
on the Dark Eldar :-)

Finally: if you do get a Tau army up and running, please send in
lots of feedback on them. Despite recent work, they are still
the least play-tested army in the NetEpic ranks and need all the
play-testing we can give them.
Received on Thu Aug 09 2007 - 00:15:47 UTC

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