LF Epic figures, armies, sets, titans, games, etc

From: <sanders6203_at_...>
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 23:27:59 -0000

I am looking for Warhammer Epic 40K items. Anything in figures, armies, boxed sets, titans, vehicles, etc. I will consider any factions such as Space Marine, Tyranids, Tau, Chaos, Imperial Guard, Orks, Squats, etc. Any of the boxed game sets such as Titan Legions, Adeptus Titanicus, Space Marine, Epic 40,000K, etc. Any titans such as Imperial Imperator, Warlord, Bane Lord, etc. I do not check this site daily so if you have something that you may want to sell please e-mail me directly at sanders6203_at_....
Received on Tue Dec 29 2009 - 23:27:59 UTC

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