NE6 revision abilities.

From: <pramos10_at_...>
Date: 12 May 2015 14:18:51 -0700


 There was some conversations on command units and their abilities, we thought talking about the full list was in order.


 As the discussion on command units progresses I remembered a topic that keeps coming up and is not only related to command units, but formula values and the game in general.

 That is the subject of unit abilities. So it seems appropriate we talk about them.

 Note it is not only in the context of giving them (or not) to command units of one army or another, but to gauge how the community VALUES, certain abilities.


 This is very important formula-wise, since besides the work on hit location calculations, barrage weapons calculations, abilities and their valuation is another very tricky things to cost appropriately.
 Here are the abilities as they are now, with some commentary on how they could be modified, but more importantly how they are valued.

 When you comment on abilities remember to include your opinion on how useful they are. Since no valuation system is perfect, at the very least mention if you think an ability is LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH value to you.


 1. All around armor. There are no side and rear penalties to the armor save. Value HIGH.
 2. AA. Can engage aircraft without the usual penalty.
 With the flier system in flux it is hard to assess value on this one. I would put it as MEDIUM value as of now.
 3. Artificial Intelligence. Immune to morale based powers or fear.
 I would place this at HIGH value. Immunity to morale can be fairly great depending on the foe.
 4. Combat leader. units within 10cm gain +1 to CAF
 I would nominate this as a potential command ability in some armies (like SM). With an extended radius (at least 25cm)
 Value MEDIUM.
 5. Combat engineer. Unit may perform engineering missions.
 I would nominate this as a potential command ability for select armies.
 Value LOW (circumstantial)
 6. Command. unit can move on charge orders and first fire.
 Value HIGH.
 I wonder if actual HQ units should have this, but I can live with it if there are other changes.
 7. Daemonic. any morale check roll of 1 fails.
 Value LOW
 8. Daemon Hunter. Immune to chaos morale effects. negates some chaos effects.
 Value LOW
 9. Damages Buildings. Can inflict SI points on failed save of buildings.
 Has been proposed to give this to all artillery type weapons by default.
 10. Destroys Buildings. Destroys building on single armor save failed.
 Value HIGH.
 Some changes proposed to this ability if alternate damage table is accepted.
 11. Deep Strike. unit flies into the battlefield. see movement modes in core books.
 value HIGH
 12. Fear. On first round of CC morale check. -2 on CAF if failed.
 Value Medium.
 I think some changes to the psycology rules may be needed. Some of these abilities have a very narrow use and could be a little stronger.
 13. Fearless. No morale value. Never checks for morale.
 Value HIGH.
 14. Fire on the fly. unit may move, snap fire and continue moving.
 Value HIGH
 15. Fixed armor save. Armor save not modified by TSM
 value HIGH.
 16. Flier. Movement mode.
 value in flux until flier system is agreed upon.
 17. Forward Observer. Skilled in artillery spotting.
 I nominate this for a possible command function in some armies.
 Value HIGH.
 18. Hard to Hit. All on-template ranged fire is at -1.
 Value HIGH
 19. HQ. Currently its a protection from getting targeted beyond 10cm if its with similar units.
 Given the ongoing discussions, this designation could mean that certain abilities can be applied in a radius (many times larger than the base ability would grant).
 Value HIGH.
 20. Hit and Run. If unit charges it is not pinned in the second round of CC.
 Value LOW (very narrow application).
 21. Ignores cover. To hit modifiers for cover do not apply.
 Value HIGH.
 22. Independent. Ignores command distances. Routs instead of fallback if outside command radius.
 This one may need some tweaking if certain changes are done on command/HQ units.
 value HIGH
 23. Infiltration. After setup may move into the battlefield before the games start (move rate varies according to troop type).
 value MEDIUM
 24. Inorganic. Immune to powers and abilities based on poison, disease, etc.
 value LOW
 25. Inspirational. friendly units within 10cm gain +1 to morale checks.
 I would nominate this as a command function in certain armies at a greater radius.
 value: MEDIUM
 26. Instinct. Units too far from command revert to a fixed behavior (order) per unit type.
 value LOW
 27. Jump packs. See movement modes.
 value MEDIUM
 28. Medic. fixed save within 10cm.
 This "may" be a command function (or not) for some armies. A greater radius may be considered.
 value HIGH
 29. Mechanic. vehicle fixed save.
 value HIGH
 30. Multiple wounds. More than one hit to destroy.
 value HIGH
 This one is obviously beneficial and perhaps should not be an an "ability" but a component of the formula.
 31. Open Top Vehicle. transported units may fire. attacks to the vehicle hit units inside.
 value LOW
 32. Penetrating. Adds bonus to damage table roll versus units with hit location templates.
 value HIGH
 33. Point Defense. anti-infantry weapons versus infantry close assault mainly.
 value LOW
 34. Psychic save. permits save versus ethereal psychic attacks.
 value MEDIUM
 35. Psyker. unit with special abilities.
 I think this is probably redundant as the powers given already define something as a "psyker".
 value LOW
 36. Quickdraw. does not suffer -1 penalty for snap fire.
 value HIGH
 37. Regeneration. Roll in end phase to heal wounds.
 value HIGH
 38. Robot. Immune to morale.
 I think this is redundant and we should just use Inorganic.
 value LOW
 39. Skimmer. movement mode.
 value MEDIUM
 40. Static artillery. may not move, routs on failed save.
 Should this even exist?
 value LOW
 41. Sniper. can recognize HQ units on 4+.
 I'd say this could turn out to be a very valuable ability if certain changes are made. As it stands now with current rules:
 value LOW
 42. Stealth. if unit is in cover cannot be targetted from >25cm.
 value MEDIUM
 43. Stupid. Random orders unless in command.
 I wonder if this should be deleted and just add the process to the unit description. It doesn't really need to be an ability for the one or two units that use this.
 value LOW
 44. Teleport. see movement modes. can teleport onto battlefield.
 value HIGH
 45. Terror. morale test on charge, fallback if failed.
 I would fuse terror and fear and list the fear ability as "fear x", where "x" is a number that equals a morale penalty. Thus you can simulate levels of fear (more fear means higher penalty). It comes into play when engaged by fear causing unit.
 Value. LOW
 46. Transport. how many units it can carry.
 This should be a "normal" ability as well as a formula entry.
 value MEDIUM
 47. Tunneler. See movement modes.
 value MEDIUM


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