[NetEpic ML] Re: Revision Issue: Titans

From: Warprat <warprat_at_...>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 13:12:15 -0800


I agree with you on the Eldar Holofield issue. But the only issues we
are voting on at the moment are the top three.

The bottom four issues (Clarifications) will be discussed, at lenght I'm
sure, later.

Am I correct in saying this, Peter?

Warprat ;)

hellreich_at_... wrote:
> all good ideas, but the mods for moving are alittle strong at -4 no
> weapon will ever hit them, and at -2 over half of any knid of tanks
> will miss too.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Peter Ramos
> To: netepic_at_egroups.com
> Sent: Friday, February 18, 2000 5:26 PM
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Revision Issue: Titans
> Hi!
> My, my all the traffic today.
> The general slant is towards something simple and one target
> number. So to move things along please vote on the three
> points below, Yes or No.
> 1) Move the Warlord Reactor to the back, no front shot
> possible.
> 2) Increase repair rolls on Imperial Titans to 4+.
> 3) Increase repair rolls on Eldar Titans to 3+
> Note dont worry about the costs, ALL hulls and weapons will
> be re-evaluated and redone on this list to account for rules
> changes.
> Clarifications:
> 1. Shields or any type are affected only by weapons with a
> save modifier of -1 or more, this has not changed
> 2. Holofields, I strongly suggest to extend their protection
> to barrages sinse otherwise they are not worth it. Let us
> use the modified AT modifiers to hit as per orders: first
> fire orders, no modifier top hit, advance -2 to hit and
> charge -4 to hit. Straight and easy. Points costs will
> change to reflect this
> 3. there is no easy way tp get around the scattering off the
> template and missing phenomenon, so just leave it alone, its
> far easier to let individual groups handle it on their own.
> 4. Weapons like vortex and warp missile MUST be changed
> since they are too powerful.
> Please decide if the above threee points are "fair"
> generalizations for the moment and individual titans types
> and their shortcomings will be addressed when we do titans
> which will be the FIRST thing we do due top the obvious
> demand.
> Peter
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Received on Sat Feb 19 2000 - 21:12:15 UTC

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