[NetEpic ML] Re: Revision Issue: Titans

From: <hellreich_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 11:56:27 -0500

I myself like the -1 to take a sheild down that is how we at are group have
be playing for years. I feel though that heavy weapon infantry and any
infantry should not be able to take a sheild down, for no humanoid model
would be able to heft such a big gun. Only weapons on vehicals should be
able to do this.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wilding K" <kwildi_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 11:29 AM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Revision Issue: Titans

> > Worded like this: All in a unit must firing to take a sheild down only
> > 2/3rds need to hit to do this, if they fail to get enough hits no sheild
> > removed. If a unit with a -1 TSM is firing to take down a sheild only
> > need to hit rounding down. If a unit with -2 TSM is firing then on 1/3
> > to hit rounding down. If -3 only one model needs to hit.
> Hmmm, seems to make things unnecessarily complicated, IMHO
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Received on Tue Feb 22 2000 - 16:56:27 UTC

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