[NetEpic ML] Re: Eldar holofield cheese?

From: Kelvin <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 08:03:36 +1000

At 12:28 AM 3/13/00 -0500, Butch wrote:

>Peter also wants to change the D-Cannon so it only scatters 1d6. No
>offense, Peter, but that's just too powerful.

I have to agree here. I think the D-Cannon is fine the way it is. Perhaps
allow it to fire on Advance, but other than that, its just fine.

>I haven't agreed with *any* of the Titan revisions; not Eldar or not

Well, in defense of the Imperial changes, we were not trying to make the
Titans invulnerable, but to cover some of the more glaring flaws they had,
such as the heafty vulnerability to hoardes of infantry, the Warlord's
vulnerable gonads, etc. They aren't Invincible, just very tough. Like the
always should have been.

> I have no problem with leaving the Alternate Holofield rules as just that
>*Alternate* Holofield rules.
>Eldar titans have Holofields, a devastating array of weapons, a very thin
>damage template chart, very tough saves on locations, and are faster the
>other titans. Do they *need* a modified Holo-save?

I agree here. I'm not keen on allowing the Holofield save versus Barrages.
 The best they should get against Barrages is a reduced chance of being hit
(as even Barrages need some data on where to put the shot).

> Titans like all other units in this game have strength and weaknesses.
>The trick to using them is to play to their strengths and your opponents'
>weaknesses. You don't need to change the rules to make them fair. Most of
>them already are.

With the changes we have made, we have not tried to make Titans
all-powerful, but to simple give them back some of the
King-of-the-Battlefield status they enjoyed in Adeptus Titanicus (where
they ruled supreme). They still have their vulnerabilities (hoardes of
heavy infantry fire can still bring them down, it just takes more effort now).

I'm happy with 95% of the changes and am keen to convince my fellow gamers
to try them out.


         "Of course I'm paranoid!
       Everyone's trying to kill me."
Received on Mon Mar 13 2000 - 22:03:36 UTC

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