[NetEpic ML] Re: The Great Holofield Debate. Vote Now!

From: Lorenzo Canapicchi <canapi_at_...>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 09:34:31 +0100

Kelvin wrote:
> Model 3:
> Remain with the old rules but _any_ barrage shot against a Holo-protected
> thing (even direct) _must_ scatter as indirect. After all if you really
> don't know where something is you cannot directly fire against it, this
> sound more simple and fits more with the idea of Holofield. (But consider
> the problems I have posted earlier!)

I vote this (obviously) and I really don't see problems as I wrote in
the other message.

> Model 6:
> Let the Holofields give their save against barrages, but unlike direct-fire
> weapons, this save is subject to the barrage's save modifier. This way,
> the Titan gets SOME protection from barrages, but doesn't become too immune
> to them.

I really don't understand whhy a "more pounching" modifier could affect
precision of fire... maybe a wide shape or area could be, but save
modifier.... seems not so good to me.

Lorenzo Canapicchi
Personal Page:
Received on Fri Mar 17 2000 - 08:34:31 UTC

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