[NetEpic ML] Model 6 Debate

From: Warprat <warprat_at_...>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 22:56:22 -0800

Ok, Travis, think about this:

Warprat ;)

A new type of weapon is invented. The Feather Gun. It fires a huge
mass of feathers, that fall slowly to the ground. The feather gun sends
up so many feathers, that it cannot fail to hit its target. But, of
course, it does no damage.

Stats: Hits on a 1-6, Save mod. +6.

This weapon, couldn't hurt anything. But it hits every time.

At the other end of the spectrum, is the Super Duper Piercing Barrage
Cannon. It fires a super duper armor penetration shrapnel shell, with
super duper armor neutralization. The shell is huge, and there is lots
of shrapnel.

Stats: Hits on a 1-6, Save mod. -6

If the fragments hit you, your dead. And it hits every time.

Both barrages have an equal chance to hit. But only one will kill you.
The negative save modifier, does NOT make the blast HIT any better.

The "To Hit" number represent, the accuracy and/or the amount of

The "Save Mod." represents the force of the explosion, and/or the armor
damaging ability.

Again, I repeat, a higher penetration (lower save mod), does not mean
that you HIT better. The feathers hit, just as well, as the shrapnel.

The ability to kill, lies in the penetration.

How does this apply to the proposed Holofield Modification #6?

Let's read what it says, again:

> Model 6:
> Let the Holofields give their save against barrages, but unlike direct-fire
> weapons, this save is subject to the barrage's save modifier. This way,
> the Titan gets SOME protection from barrages, but doesn't become too immune
> to them.

This rule would mean that weapons like the Bombard, Doomsday Cannon,
etc... could save much easier, against the Holofield, than another
weapon, with a higher "To Hit" but a lower "Save mod."

Some examples,

                Proposed Rules Current Rules
                Against an Eldar Titan Against an Eldar Titan
                on Advance on Advance
Bombard: 5+ to hit, No holofield 5+ to hit, Holofield save
                save. -3 to armor save. on 3+. -3 mod to armor save.

Magnum : 3+ to hit, Holofield 3+ to hit, Holofield save
Mega-Cannon save on 3+. -0 mod to on 3+. -0 mod to armor
High Explosive armor save. save.

Gut Buster 3+ to hit, Holofield 3+ to hit, Holofield save
Explosive save on 4+. +1 mod to on 3+. +1 mod to armor
                armor save. save.

See the difference? Now high penetration weapons, hit much better than
they used to. Is this what you are defending? Do you really want this?

When fighting the Eldar, how many armies will now take the high
penetration weapons, like Bombards, and Doomsday Cannons?

A higher "To Hit" number should be the ONLY way to gaurantee a better
chance to actually hit the target. Penetration should only apply to
damage. The Holofield does nothing, to stop the force of the blast.
The Holofield only confuses the targeting unit. Holofields DO NOT
affect the chance of penetration, only the ability to target the titan.

Consider the following comments, to your remarks:

> But consider what the to save modifier (TSM) means: it means the explosion
> is of such a naure that armour does not protect as well as it normally
> would.There are a couple of ways an explosive may do this:
> A-Higher initial yield (bigger boom)
This is represented by a bigger template or a more damaging save

> B-a missile with a penetrating head (delayed detonator,shaped charge, APDS
> round,etc)
This is represented by a more damaging save modifier.

> C-create massive amount of shrapnel (the shrapnel hits so many parts of the
> target that by simple law of averages something is bound to get through)
This is represented by an easier, to hit, number.

> D- Create "shrapnel" that burns at an extremely high tempurature:
> Napalm,phosphorous,and God only knows what else in the 41st millenium .
This is a lower, more damaging, save modifier.

> whie "B" would not effect a holofield, A ,C , and D would all work over a
> holofieild - protected titan.
> add this to the fact that it is an elegantly simple method of equalising all
> forces involved,and I think you must agree that "Option 6" is the logical
> choice in this matter.
> Comments welcome as always....
> Trav
> hikaru_at_...

> > Not to rain on your parade Travis, ;)
> >
> > But consider the following:
> >
> > If you researched on the Internet, on how to build bombs, and built one.
> > You might represent this blast, with a barrage template, and rate it
> > with a -1 save mod. It hurts people pretty good.
> >
> > Now you decide you want to really hurt people, so you stick some nails
> > in the bomb. You would represent this blast, with the same barrage
> > template. After all, the explosive force is still the same, as your
> > first bomb. The nails, however, make the save mod. a -2. It hurts
> > people real good, AND puts holes in them.
> >
> > Note that BOTH the bombs, exploded with the same force. The same exact
> > barrage radius. But, ONE, hurt more than the other. Yes, If you stood
> > right next to the bomb, it would hurt you more, than if you were 10
> > meters away. But this is true with BOTH bombs.
> >
> > A higher penetration, does not equal a greater chance to hit.
> >
> >
> > Warprat ;)
> >
> >
Received on Sat Mar 18 2000 - 06:56:22 UTC

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