Sisters of Battle & the other Imperial lists.

From: eivind borgeteien <eivind.borgeteien_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 14:42:44 +0200

I think the SoB looks like the SM, only weaker. I would not field them in
Epic without the support of some heavy firepower like IG SH, IG artillery or

This brings another question to mind, IG & SM has traditionally been
considered as one army, free to mix, TG has after some discussion not been
allowed to mix with the other imperial lists.

This is two polarized points of view I dont like. I think there should be
allowed to mix troops from the lists, but within some restrictions.

Maybe a core-force of one list, say 70 - 75% with additions from the other
lists by 25 - 30%?

Any comments on this?

Received on Wed May 24 2000 - 12:42:44 UTC

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