Oops! You are correct 300.
It seems most slann players have agreed with the changes proposed. I guess
we can go ahead and finalize.
Is that an accurate assumption?
-----Original Message-----
From: Karlsen Rune [mailto:rune.karlsen_at_...]
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 4:34 PM
To: 'netepic_at_egroups.com '
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] RE: [Net Epic ML] RE: [Net Epic ML] RE: [Net
Epi c ML] RE: [Net Epic ML] RE: [Net Epi c ML] RE: [Net Epic ML] SoB
more tha n meets the eye?
Surely you mean 300 for the Tormentor and punisher?
Otherwise, this also sounds like a good solution,
although there are now more saves to remember :)
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Ramos
To: netepic_at_egroups.com
Sent: 01.06.00 01:42
Subject: [NetEpic ML] RE: [Net Epic ML] RE: [Net Epic ML] RE: [Net Epic ML]
RE: [Net Epic ML] RE: [Net Epi c ML] RE: [Net Epic ML] SoB more tha n meets
the eye?
I have had many ICQ conversations with Ed to streamline and make the
more mainstream.
If I read the opinions correctly we want something without to many fixed
saved and preserving their character. Also we want units that can be
and not so outrageously expensive to bar them from the game.
The following changes are in the vehicles only I think we can agree what
posted on the Necron infantry previously.
All will have the 4+ repair ability
Protector 150 points per detachment. it compare with the squat
Ironshield in
protection and firepower. Save of 4+.
Cubekeeper, better than a protector, has extra weapon (which by the way
omitted in the rules). 200 per detachment, 4+.
Cubemaster, much better than protector, 250 per detachment, 3+ save.
Nemesis tank, really good tank, a lot of shots and big modifier. Much
than land raider. 350 points per detachment. Save 2+
Tormentor and punisher are roughly the same, a notch below the nemesis
350 per detachment. Save 2+ fixed.
Note that saves are now modified, this makes them like most vehicles out
there. Their real power is the 4+ repair roll. Taking into account that
vehicles mostly get shot at a 50% chance of saving regardless of weapon
VERY powerful, thus their higher points value than comparative units.
I think this accomplishes our purpose of cutting down on too many things
remember and reflects their power.
I think so too. With the new vehicle saves, and with a 4+ regen
roll, they will balance out.
Also, if you give Necrons a 6+ save and a 4+ regen, that should
balance out as well. I still havn't gotten any feedback on
the 3rd detachment in the Necron cards? If we want to go
with the fluff, there should be more Necrons?!? At least
price them so that they are worth taking...
I definitely agree they should be 3 detachments. They were like that
originally and cut down due to cost. They should be brought up to 3
detachments again.
Regarding cost:
As they stand with their new saves and self repair they should cost
250 for a raider detachment, why? a assault marine detachment is 250 and
that's about 200 for 6 marines and 50 for 3 rhinos. I figure that 5
are worth roughly 165 and the remainder accounts for the self repair.
means a company is 750 points.
In the case of the of assault Necron 300 points per detachment, since
now compare with a veteran space marine detachment. The company would be
All will have the 4+ repair ability
Protector 200 points per detachment. it compare with the squat
Ironshield in
protection and firepower. Save of 5+ fixed.
Cubekeeper, better than a protector, has extra weapon (which by the way
omitted in the rules). 250 per detachment, 5+ fixed save.
Cubemaster, much better than protector, 300 per detachment, 5+ fixed
Nemesis tank, really good tank, a lot of shots and big modifier. Much
than land raider. 400 points per detachment. Save 4+
Tormentor and punisher are roughly the same, a notch below the nemesis
350 per detachment. Save 4+ fixed.
All comparisons are with similar units. Necron vehicles are very
due to their much higher firepower as compared to Land raiders and the
that they repair.
All else remains the same.
Good enough?
There is no reason not to keep both the Scarab types, simply
rename one of them. They are both good ideas, one works as
a ranged nullify attack (with some reduced armor save as well?
Didn't quite understand what was the intent in the 2.0 rules),
while the other beefs up CAF and save.
I'm all for having lots of choices, as long as their uses don't
overlap. :)
That's a good idea. Lets do that.
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Received on Thu Jun 01 2000 - 22:37:39 UTC