Hi Rune!
As far as I know, a unit on First Fire can always choose to fire in the
Advance Phase.
Warprat ;)
Karlsen Rune wrote:
> Can you wait until AF to fire if you've already been
> in CC?
> Rune
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Warprat [mailto:warprat_at_...]
> Sent: 2000-06-12 22:33
> To: netepic_at_egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] silly question?
> Hi Everybody!
> In the past, I've used this House Rule too. It's actually not too bad.
> Been so long since I had used it, I had completely forgot about it.
> Of course, the BIG gamble is, how many dice do you need to allocate to
> the attackers. If you don't allocate enough, the attackers get through
> AND you don't get to fire those precious shots anywhere else either.
> A rather nice trade off. Of course, that was when my group was not
> using the Snap Fire rule. So we used the House Rule.
> I guess then, that there are four options for a First Fire unit being
> attacked by a unit that can pin it:
> 1) First Fire at the charging units.
> 2) Snap Fire at the charing units, AND other targets.
> 3) Use the House Rule and gamble for the chance to hit other targets.
> 4) Wait untill the Advance Phase to fire. Of course, that means you
> need to survive Close Combat. ( I've used this, but NOT very often! )
> What does everybody else think?
> Warprat ;)
> >
> > As a house rule I have also used that players may nominate a certain
> amount
> > of their total dice to the unit in close combat and IF it is destroyed the
> > others can fire at another target. IF that unit is not destroyed the extra
> > shots are wasted.
> >
> > Peter
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