Re: [NetEpic ML] New member/ looking for Nurgle and Tzeench Titans rules

From: Kelvin <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 12:47:11 +1000

At 11:13 PM 8/16/00 +0000, Christian wrote:
>1. New Member
>It is about two years now since I began using NetEpic rules in my
>SM/TL battles, and I finally decided to join the NetEpic discussion
>group. Thanks to all those of you who contributed in a way or another
>to the NetEpic project.

Glad to see another new face (in a manner of speaking). Welcome aboard!

>2. Chaos Titan rules
>A friend of mine made two conversions of Chaos Titans, and I need
> tips for designing the rules. (I rather play Space Marines and
>Eldars, so I'm far from beeing a Chaos-expert). Since the base of the
>conversions are Warlord Titans, they might be considered as beeing to
>Tzeench and Nurgle what the Banelord is to Khorne.
>- In which way could these Titans be made characteristic for their
>Chaos Gods?

Well, for the Tzzench Titan you could give it a psychic save to represent
the protection its allegience grants it, for the Nurgle Titan you could
give it some sort of "Cloud-of-Flies" effect similar to that that Daemons
of Nurgle get. Of course, you'd need to come up with a suitable points
cost for this...

>- Especially, I would like to know if someone already developped an
>alternative to void shields and plasma reactors that would fit to

For the Plasma Reactor, look at the "Body" damage table for the Khorne Lord
of Battles for an idea on the damage table for a "Soul Reactor". An
alternative to Void Shields? Dunno about that. The Slaaneshi Scout Titans
have a "Glamour" about them that makes them hard to hit. You could try a
variation on that I suppose. But Void Shields are great. With the
addition of a "Chaos Power" plus the "Soul Reactor" the Titans would be
just different enough without having to get change the Void Shields.
Received on Thu Aug 17 2000 - 02:47:11 UTC

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