OK. It seems that we can agree that a detachment of 4 teleporting termies
can be included as a specialcard.
Cost 350
BP 3
Morale 1
Concearning the Crusader we can give it 4 bolters to hit on 6+. (I powered
it up to make it more expencive, but 4 bolters works just as well.)
I think we should keep the 2 transport capability, I dont really see what we
can tranport in 3s....?
-----Original Message-----
From: BRUNTZ François (DSIT-EG) [mailto:francois.bruntz_at_...]
Sent: 4. september 2000 15:34
To: 'netepic_at_egroups.com'
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Terminators & transports
Tu as écrit :
> I can live with 4 termies to be teleported to the batleground
>as a specialcard. That would allow players to use them offensively
>without dibling to much with gameballance.
I don't think that giving the 'teleporation' to a whole terminator
detachment or company as a free support card will unbalance the game. After
all you'll will still have the same break point and termies will not have
the support of their land raiders...
>I have also done some research on the new Land Raider Crusader,
>and here is my thoughts:
>The Crusader is originally bult for the Black Templars SM Chapter
>to carry their termies (relativley) safe right up to the enemies position.
>They have replaced the lascannon with bolters to give close support to
>the infantry once unloaded. They also have an increased transport
>capability, 8 termies in stead of 5 whitch is the usual in 40K. These
>tanks are uncommon outside the Black Templars.
>I think a translation to netepicrules should look something like this:
>Special Card to replace 7 Land Raiders in a Terminatorcompany
Special card for non Black Templars and support card for Black Templars?
>Cost 100
>(I ran the stats below thruogh the formula, and got the price to
>be 150 cheaper than the original 7 Land Raiders, so you are in a
>way paying 250 for the special card.)
>Move 25
>Save 3 (The crusader is lightlier armored to gain speed)
>CAF +3
>5 Bolters of 15 cm hits on 6+ (2 on right & left side, 1 on turret on top)
>1 Hvy bolter of 25 cm hits on 5+ (Mounted in front of the crusader)
Wahoo! This is a huge firepower? What about 4 bolters, range 15cm, hit on
6+. Or two bolters, range 15cm, hit on 5+...
> Transport capability of 2 infantrystands.
Well, if you keep a Transport(2) there would have no interest in building
François Bruntz
The Laïtus Prime Tribune
Epic 40k, NetEpic, Space Marine/Titan Legion, Epic Escarmouches
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