RE: [NetEpic ML] Terminators & transports

From: eivind borgeteien <eivind.borgeteien_at_...>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 13:34:59 +0200

Although I dont quite see the use for transport 3 stands I really have no

I will pull this to a poll together with the varius suggestions on the


-----Original Message-----
From: BRUNTZ François (DSIT-EG) [mailto:francois.bruntz_at_...]
Sent: 6. september 2000 09:14
To: ''
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Terminators & transports


Tu as écrit :

>Concearning the Crusader we can give it 4 bolters to hit on 6+.
>(I powered it up to make it more expencive, but 4 bolters works just as
>I think we should keep the 2 transport capability,
>I dont really see what we can tranport in 3s....?

Well in the background of the Crusader it is said that removing the
lascanons power engines gives place to transport more units. We could say
that a Crusader can carry 3 infantry units or 2 Terminators units...

François Bruntz
The Laïtus Prime Tribune
Epic 40k, NetEpic, Space Marine/Titan Legion, Epic Escarmouches

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