Teleporting units

From: eivind borgeteien <eivind.borgeteien_at_...>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 12:53:57 +0200

How does the teleportability realy work?
The rules states that you first place one Grey Knight, roll for scatter,
then place the others within unit coherency. Is that within coherency of the
first Grey Knight, or is it enough that they are within coherency of each
other? (In the first case I am afraid the troopers wil be sitting ducks, but
I haven't really tried it yet.)

The Slann Knights who warpjumps into CC infilct a suprisepenalty of -1 CAF
on the subject they engage. Shouldn't this also be the case on other
teleporting units?

Received on Mon Sep 25 2000 - 10:53:57 UTC

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