Adeptus Titanicus and EPICentre

From: <tzeentch666_at_...>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 22:09:43 -0000

I'm doing paying writing work for FASA atm (whee!) but after that is
complete I'll be moving the EPICentre site to a new domain with
unlimited web space. We should also be getting our own fancy-ass
domain name soon. unfortunantely I can't afford a legal problem with
this new site so Adeptus Titanicus rules will be OFFLINE and I'll be
sending any requests to email the rules straight to dev/null.

Sorry about that folks, but several hundred people have downloaded
the rules so if you ask around I'm SURE others have it.

Among other things I'll be adding more stuff back to the page like
the various battle reports, Heresy rules, and as many of the files
from the Vault as I can organize. I may or may start work HTMLizing
all the Incoming articles.

I'll post additional information once the site is moved and all that
Received on Tue Oct 17 2000 - 22:09:43 UTC

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