Re: [NetEpic ML] Eldar Warlock Powers

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 15:45:12 -0500


Dave wrote:

> Hi Peter!
> Can the Eldar Warlock ability Psychic Lock be used against a flyer,
> such as a Thunderhawk Gunship?

No. Only powers that have a damage effect with a to hit and save
modifier affect fliers. Other powers like psychic lock, eldritch storm,
dp not cause damage and cannot affect fliers. It is assumed the area
these spells effect is too small to affect a flier that will only occupy
that space for a brief moment.

> If it can, since the Gunship is montionless, can it be freely
> targeted by any unit, without taking negative to hit modifiers?
> Can a vehicle/titan/flyer unload troops/bombs/anything if held by the
> Warlock?

Read above for these two.

> Also, if a Wave Serpent immobillizes a troop carrier, are the troops
> inside immobilized as well? Can the troops unload?

Yes. The wave serpents attack affects only the vehicle, the units within
are shielded from this effect.

Received on Fri Dec 15 2000 - 20:45:12 UTC

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