IG Beastmen? (Was: Painted IG)

From: Daryl Lonnon <dlonnon_at_...>
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 11:37:45 -0700 (MST)

> Hi!
> I'll wait and see if another list member needs this stuff. By the Daniel
> if you reading this I think you needed some IG stuff.
> If there are no takers Darius, I'll pick them up. I'm a couple of points
> shy of 50000 <evil grin>
> Peter

This post got me thinking about my ~5000 pt IG army ... and what it's

It's a strange mix of old Epic miniatures and new Epic miniatures.
Unfortunately, all of the infantry is new style. I say
unfortunately, since that means a complete lack of Beastmen.

Does anybody know of any good alternatives?
Would Warmaster beastmen work well?
Are there any companies that produce fantasy 6mm beastmen?


p.s. Still need to hunt down some Napoleonic Lancers (Lancier's de
Rogue) in 6mm scale to use as Rough Riders.
Received on Sun Jan 07 2001 - 18:37:45 UTC

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