Re: [NetEpic ML] Army cards: graphics help

From: Hellreich <helreich_at_...>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 00:41:04 -0800

yes use abode, or you could try just plain paint, sometimes this kills the
grain look
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Ramos" <primarch_at_...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 2:12 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Army cards: graphics help

> Hi!
> The first batch of army cards (space marines) is pretty much done. I
> have run into one problem as to put them in a format used by all. When I
> save teh images in JPEG format I find they print out with a little too
> much "graniness", that is some fine dots here and there. While it
> doesn't make the inage illegible it is annoying. I see less graniness
> when I save the images in BMP format, but those files are rather large
> for suitable downloads.
> My question to all those computer gurus out there, is there a way around
> this problem? Is there a format I can save them in that is small and has
> no "graniness"? Up to now I have used MS paint (bleh!) and adobe
> photoshop. Any tips?
> Peter
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Received on Tue Jan 09 2001 - 08:41:04 UTC

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