Re: [NetEpic ML] GW closed their warehouse?

From: Hellreich <helreich_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 16:38:52 -0800

Yes, There is going to be a majort price increase on there porduct, it is supposed to be in effect by Feb. 3. Hah, no new rules but yet the are planning to stick it to us anyway. Is why I sold and selling all my 40k stuff off, as I plan never to to play GW games again, on Net Epic for me. And now Void has replaced my 40k game playing. If any of you are looking for some 40k Space Wolves stuff email me at helreich_at_... I have
1 wolf Dred still sealed
1 long fang box opened but untouched
1 iron preist
1 ragnar
1 set of grey hunters think 7 total
1 2nd ed complete game, with a 2nd set of orks still on sprues
plus some other stuff email me for a complete list.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Eivind Borgeteien
  Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 5:35 AM
  Subject: [NetEpic ML] GW closed their warehouse?

  The stock on GW products in Norway is alarmingly low and has been that way ever since chrismas. When asked, the strore-peolpe answers thar GWs warehouse is closed and cant say when it reopens so we can get our goodstuff.

  Does anyone know anything about this?


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Received on Tue Jan 23 2001 - 00:38:52 UTC

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