Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: New file uploaded to netepic

From: Thomas Wildman <tnrw00_at_...>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 10:56:33 -0600

This argument might be solved by allowing these units to Chaos as optionals,
but doubling or tripling their prices,maybe making them Special Cards, or
only allowing a small percent of the forces to be these mixed forces.

I don't know about you, but 300 pt THawks would make me pause before I
included them, even if in certain circumstances they would be effective.
One good AA shot, ouch!!

If they are Special Cards, certainly even a huge Chaos army couldn't include
enough unusual units to swing the balance. In my experience, having a
minimum of support cards for demons and making the real strength of the army
in the support cards, there are only so many Special spaces available.

If only 1/4 of an army could be added forces, in a 4000 pt battle, only 1000
could be renegade IG. Unless prices have changed dramatically, that's two
companies, max, and maybe some misc. support. Every army has very effective
units for eliminating artillery. One short round of bombardment, in my
experience, has not affected my games in the past, it shouldn't turn the
tide in the new version either. Besides, for every unit of cultists you
get, you reduce the CC part of the army, and at the prices chaos pays for
units, that can cut into your main army severely.

I'm all for mix and match, but just like anything, without limits, anything
can be dangerous. Imagine squats who just bring SH into battle. Maybe they
won't get any objectives, but good lord help opposing units.

> I could reply with how allowing both imperial and chaos armies to
> field everything levels the playing field but has the added undesired
> effect of making the armies identical, but since I'm just whining I
> think I'll pass up. Let me just state that if I have to field a chaos
> army that has the same units of an imperial army, moves like an
> imperial army, fights like an imperial army, FEELS like an imperial
> army, I could as well field an imperial army and be done with it.
> But I'm a whiner, so what do I know of the subtle nuances of boarding
> CSM companies on Thunderhawks while using suppressive fire from my
> traitor IG artillery companies? And of the big differences between
> this and imperial SM companies boarding Thunderhawks while loyal IG
> artillery companies pound the enemy...
> Luca
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