It gets quite from time to time, but it always picks up. The bunkers are
pretty cool. This kind of play aid is very useful and will get on the
webpage soon.
As we speak I'm coordinating with our two webmasters to get net epic its
own website and I am proceeding to transfer the enormous amount of files
whic hare teh army cards. The cards for Space marine, IG and tech guard
are completed, with chaos following quickly.
Once the website issues are resolved the material will be made available
very quickly.
I will anounce when all is ready.
Gavan Pearce wrote:
> Hi Marc
> I was wondering the same thing.
> Has anyone tried out my Imperial Infantry Bunker (paper). I've made 5
> and they look pretty good to me.
> Gavan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: marc_at_... [mailto:marc_at_...]
> Sent: Thursday, 8 February 2001 10:29am
> To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Is anyone out there
> Just curious.... I haven't recieved a message since the 5th feb. Is
> there a problem out there??
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