Re: [NetEpic ML] Slann battle report

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 08:17:28 -0500


Well, they are more powerful than gravguards which are 1000 points per
company, that would place them around 1200-1250 more or less.


Karlsen Rune wrote:

> That sounds fine. What would the cost be for these?
> Rune
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
> Sent: 26. februar 2001 13:53
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Slann battle report
> Hi!
> I think it was suggested among us that these should probably get less attack
> dice and the 75cm range to function as an anti-armor units. Perhaps one
> attack die 75cm range, -2 modifier and 4+ to hit and a 50cm missile.
> Hows that?
> Peter
> Karlsen Rune wrote:
> Hi!
> This is good news! I just have one question : What shall we
> do with the spawnguards if the Gravguards stay the way
> they are? They are so similar, they fill the same role.
> Rune
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Ramos [ mailto:primarch_at_...
> <mailto:primarch_at_...> ]
> Sent: 25. februar 2001 18:15
> To: <>
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Slann battle report
> Hi!
> Well, we got some playtesting done, both games were similar
> in results
> (close games), so heres one of them from the slann perspective.
> Slann forces
> Gravguard company
> Necron raider company
> Necron assault company
> Frog Mech pod
> Necron titan
> Small force, but I contructed armies to test the major
> changes in rules
> (warp jump), stat changes (gravguard, necron) and new units (titan).
> Squat forces
> Cyclops
> Collosus
> Leviathan
> Squat brotherhood
> Squat bike company
> Squat gyrocopter company
> One tarantula detachment
> 2 !
> !
> rhino detachments
> 1 ironhammer detachment
> 1 goliath mega-cannon
> 1 thunderer detachment
> Each force is 4050 points. This is a rare battle were the squats have
> numerical superiority.
> The objectives were in two ruins on the two flanks with an
> objective in
> the woods in the center.
> Turn one
> Necron assaults warp jump to all three objectives to take them, while
> advance elements of the squat bike company engaged necron
> assault units
> in the woods and right flank.
> Gravguard and raiders followed on advance orders to give
> cover fire. The
> necron titan went for the bikes to and to get in range of the goliath
> mega cannon.
> The squats sent out their gyrocopters deep into the slann
> lines to cause
> havoc. Using the hq gyrocopters line of sight, many barrages
> fell in the
> raiders lines knocking some out, but most would return next
> turn after
> their repair rolls.
> Slann kmights jump for!
> !
> wrd through the center and right flank
> in support
> to engage the hosts of thunderers there. I risked a long 60cm
> jump with
> commander bonus and lost one mech to the warp, but fell very close to
> the thunderers.
> Squat first fire started to pound me with the praetorians and goliath
> shooting many barrges. dmamge in the nend was minimal. The
> necron titan
> was a fire magnet, shot after shot hit it and either the armor or the
> self-repair thwarted them all. Our fears of a pushover target were
> rapidly fading.. Return fire for the slann was mostly in the advance
> phase. Close combat left the woods in slann hands while
> assault necrons
> suffered badly in the right flank.
> The left flank was mostly in slann hands for the remainder
> of the game.
> Slann fire was devastating. The necron titan took out a whole
> detachment
> of thunderers and the goliath cannon. Back up fire from
> gravguards and
> raiders wiped out!
> !
> most of the bikes and gyrocopters.
> Due to the suats high break point not much was given although they
> suffered grievous losses. The mech pod sustained its break point.
> Turn one Slann 18, squats 13
> Turn two
> I sense I could finish this now so I moved in for the kill.
> My raiders
> and gravguard moved in advance further forward while the remaining
> assault forces consolidated the objectives.
> The squats moved in their remaining bikes to attack the
> center and right
> flanks, the praetorians moved closer. The whole brotherhood company
> moved to the left flank, but were too far to make it to the objective.
> Squat fired relentlessly into the necron titan, the thing was
> impervious, not one shot got through. more casualties poured into the
> raiders and necron assault. The Necron titan destroyed the
> reminders of
> the bike compnay breaking it. The squat held the right flank,
> but lost
> the center and left. !
> !
> Frog mechs jumped deep into squat lines,
> destroyed
> remaining thunderers and tarantula detachment. They started
> wroking on
> the cyclops downing shields.
> It was mostly a shooting turn with both sides dishing out a lot of
> casualties. Repair rolls were not so good to me now and a lost a lot
> more. The assault company broke.
> Slann 34, Squats 22
> Turn three
> I needed to break that brotherhood on the far left, so my titan went
> that route. It was a gamble since I would leave my exposed
> back to the
> praetorians (in retrospect a very bad idea). I mustered what
> I could to
> take the right flank. The squats had so little left they
> could not hope
> to take the center and left. My gravguard and raiders moved closer.
> It was mainly shooting this turn.
> I could not muster enough forces to take the right flank and
> praetorian
> fire started to hurt as it broke the gravguards and raiders.
> The final
> b!
> !
> low was a hit got through the mighty titans defenses and turned the
> reactor off, then a second shot penetrated the head. The titan still
> stood, scarabs busily repairing damage. The third and final
> shot ripped
> through the head bursting it open. In the final act of defiance it
> toppled over bringing down a nearby gyrocopter.
> Then I knew it was truely over.....
> Slann 43, Squats 46
> Comments
> CRAAAAP! What a heartbreaker! I played a good game until turn
> three. I
> should have charged the praetorians and make them eat warp
> talon stew.
> In the end my infantry broke the brotherhood, I gambled and
> lost. Great
> game!
> Regarding the slann units, quite frankly, I would not change
> anything.
> The gravguard functioned superbly with their 50cm range. They are
> infantry support so as used them as such. The combination of
> following
> my assaults in advance was real good, even when the squats won close
> co!
> !
> mbat I'd mop up the victory very easily with their
> devastating fire. I
> think if you want 75cm range you should by vehicles, thats
> what they are
> for. They dont need the range, they are excellent as is.
> The Assaults and raider lower CAF worked out very well too.
> The raiders
> are very good shooters a good counterpart to the assault troops.
> The warp jump rules are superb, just what is expected, the longer the
> jump the bigger the risk, everyone was very satisfied how they worked.
> The necron titan worked extremely well, granted I was pretty lucky.
> Darius and I agreed it should cost 750 points or so. I agree
> with Rune >
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