Scarabs as weapons

From: quester <quester666_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 13:23:56 -0800 (PST)

well in 40k scarabs are their own troop type and attack in CC weekeniing armor and the necrons shoot and kill the tanks
so add a unit of scarabs to the list say 100 pts for 5 stands/markers, they charge and lach on to a target droping its armor save by -2 for each stand/or marker not pining anything this will happon to anything with an armor save,once lached on they stay with the target and when the target is destored they move on to the next one they can only be killed by ranged fire and are to small to attack in hand to hand
  Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...> wrote:
Hi! scare

Hmm.. not a bad idea. Any thoughts on rules for this?


quester wrote:

> >
> > Fun weapon, but should Slann really get access to chaos type weapons?
> I just thought of a fun way to use scarabs. They can repair, why
> not dissasemble? Its not really that powerful, even less than
> the chaos plaque. It's just very Slann, not killing anything,
> just making sure the enemy cant do anything :)
> Remember scarabs in 40K takes armor off tanks and stuff making them
> easy to kill, this weapon makes all kinds of good points for story line

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