First I think that wording is confusing. It should read, the Kroxigor is immune to fear and terror and non-physical psychic attacks. This wording is direct and to the point.
I'm not sure what you mean Nils, I thought we cleared this up. The unit protected by a confessor may be immune to morale "checks", but not morale saves. Any unit with no morale, is immune to morale checks, but still rolls a morale save with a value of "1" (this was placed in the revised core rule section). Since most chaos powers still effect on a save roll of one, even unit with no morale value can still be affected.
I thought the wording was clear on this. Is it?
>Reply-To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
>To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
>Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Kroxigors
>Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 14:26:20 +0100
>PAPA has got a brand new bag of GOODIES!!!!!!!
>Once we are back at the chaos morale/power topic. I read through the
>confessor rules again. To me it seems that a detachment joined by a
>confessor loose its moralscore. So for all practical reasons that infantry
>unit has a morale of "-". Meaning it indeed is immune to all types of moral
>tests, terrortests or whatyoumaycall'em.... I also suspects this applies to
>the Inquisitors.... Wording in the Space Marines Armies of the Imperium is:
>"any imperial unit within 25cm of the Inquisitor will automatically pass any
>moraltest" remember this is from the days before one differed between moral
>checks for breaking and terrorstest. Any moral test beeing the key frase, as
>this would indicate the same effect as for the Confessor.
>Further neither the Connfessor nor the Inquisitor has got a moral score!!!!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Hellreich [mailto:helreich_at_...]
>Sent: 13. mars 2001 17:06
>To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Kroxigors
>it means that they negate the powers of the Chaos units. Like Pleague
>Marines have nurgle rot, this is then negated. It only works for the auras
>or specific chaos cards. Auras are things that make you test for morale when
>within a set cm range, since the Kroxigors are just to dumb, and protected
>by the warp field from the warp claws they never need to test for any of the
>Examples are:
>the Primarchs powers are useless against them
>Plague bearers powers are useless
>Chaos specific Marine cards are useless
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Karlsen Rune"
>Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:53 AM
>Subject: [NetEpic ML] Kroxigors
> > Hi!
> >
> > Just a little question : When it says that kroxigors ignore any
> > demonic auras, exactly what does that mean? They have
> > no weapons, so they can't FF on a charging demon anyways.
> > Does it only mean they are immune to the morale/terror
> > checks?
> >
> > Rune
> >
> >
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