Re: [NetEpic ML] Kroxigors

From: dardman <dardman_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 01:27:48 -0500

Hellreich and Rune,
Like I said I have no problems with the Kroxigors but when they are blatanly
taken out of context it pissed me off. Especially when I read that
Magnus'eye-beam would not affect them because of their warp claws. At 150
points they are fairly priced as terminator equals but when you pump up the
warp claws it does make them cheesey. The warp claws have powers that need
to be defined.

Peter's definition seems appropiate:
"I have to agree with Darius, it sounds too good for 150 and too
complicated. These guys are assault units. The only bonus I'd give them for
the warp claw is +2 to CAF when fighting demons, so in effect they are real
good demon hunters. Thats it though, no psychic immunity or the rest of it.
This bonus for 150 points is good enough."

If you want to give them a psy save that is fine or a special save vs demon
auras that is fine but immunity is too much.

As for getting your Kroxigors into combat you must purchase the vehicles for

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Received on Thu Mar 15 2001 - 06:27:48 UTC

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