
From: <livewirerc_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 21:34:24 -0000

 Hey y'all. I'm new to this list so I guess I'd better introduce
myself. My name's Jason, and I hail from Austin, TX. I've been
playing NetEpic (3.0) for about a year on and off, and just recently
found this discussion group and the website.<BR> My main quesion is:
in the files area I see all the 4.1 files, and they all start with a
number. Where's the 02 file? It skips from 01 to 03 so I was
wondering what I'm missing.<BR> Also, I was on the website and
noticed there was no Chaos army list for 4.0. If anyone has these
files, please point me to them.<BR><BR> Thanks,<BR>Jason Abels
Received on Wed Apr 18 2001 - 21:34:24 UTC

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