Thats sort of the point for this unit, everybody who collects Orks has a
crapload of vehicles, why not have a ork tank company or two?
noble713_at_... wrote:
>> A while ago I created Stormboyz Tank Korpz. It came out as a bit
>> crappy, having only two detachments of lungburstas, but with little
>> tinkering I still think it would make a nice optional unit. Let's
>> see: (where's that Ork armylist... oh yes, there!)
>> Stormboyz Panzer Korpz:
>> 1 Mob of 5 Bonebreakas, 1 Mob of 5 Bonecrunchas, 1 Kaptin
>> Bonebreaka.
>> BP: 6, Morale: 4, VP: 3, Point cost: 500
>> The mobz must be within 20cm of the kaptin to receive orders. The
>> Panzer
>> Korpz May only take stormboyz mobz and battlewagons as support
>> cards.
> *Looks over at his 45 assorted Bonebreakas, Bonecrunchas, and
> Gutrippas*
> Hmmm, I think I like this unit.
> Noble
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Received on Sat Jun 16 2001 - 17:22:20 UTC