Re: [Epic] Re: Squat Cheese

From: Brett Hollindale <agro_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 13:56:38 GMT

At 01:08 PM 21/1/97 -0500, Brad wrote:
>On Tue, 21 Jan 1997, Brett Hollindale wrote:
>> Since the Firestorm can't pop up and snapfire or move and snapfire, we don't
>> allow it to snapfire after being close assaulted even though it isn't
>> "pinned", since the only way it can avoid being pinned is to move (a bit) it
>> wouldn't be able to snapfire...
>Hmm... interesting... but the firestorm DOESN'T have to move to fire...
>the idea behind skimmer not being pinned and able to fire or be fired upon
>is that they hover a few feet off the ground, enough to be picked out and
>see out of combat, but low enough to be fought from the ground.

I always THOUGHT that, (that skimmers hovered like Lukes' Landspeeder in
Star Wars), but it doesn't gel with their inability to end their turn over
water, marsh or rough terrain. It seems that they must actually land (skids
or whatever ON THE GROUND) at the end of every turn.


>I can understand why you'd want a rule like that though.
>Brad Leffew
>Orc DeathDealers Team Coach
>Squat Warlord/Space Marine/Knight Commander
>King of WHFB Bretonnia Army (newly aquired, love the models)
>High King of WHFB Dwarf Army
>"If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we
>fear the pain of loss, then our lives will be empty, our loss greater.
> -Tanis Half-Elven "Dragons of Winter Night" by Margaret Weis
>Clarkson University
Received on Wed Jan 22 1997 - 13:56:38 UTC

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