Re: [Epic] chaos champions

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 13:05:42 -0600

At 11:21 01/27/1997 -0500, you wrote:

>My point was that, you don't always want your beastmen (or any other unit) to
>charge the closest enemy. (I was responding to your post that suggested that
>this is all beastmen ever do.) You seem to have sidestepped my point and gone
>on to suggest ways of making use of an uncontrollable unit, when what I was
>trying to say is that a controllable unit is preferable to an uncontrollable

Forgive me, but didn' t this whole discussion stem from the statement that
people are targeting chaos champions in order to take advantage of the
penalties of not having a champion? My point is that beastmen are not
terribly vulnerable to the loss of their champion. If your beastmen are out
front spreading hate and discontent, then charging the nearest enemy is
usually what they do anyway, and is seldom a truly poor decision in any
case. If they are a rear guard, then the chances of losing you champion are
slim anyway.
        I did not mean to sidestep your point. Of course you're right -
controlled is always better.

Received on Mon Jan 27 1997 - 19:05:42 UTC

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