[Epic] "Skull's Shadow" - Battle Report (3/3)

From: Erik K. Rutins <snowdo1_at_...>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 09:08:57 -0400

Imperial Army: 2500 Points

3 Thunderbolts
3 Marauders

Got eaten alive by the Doomwings.

1 Warlord Class (Reaper)

Advanced down the center, was absolutely manhandled by tarantulas, land
raiders, the Reaver and the Warlord. Supported the tanks but otherwise
accomplished little of note.

1 Space Marine Armor Detachment: 6 Land Raiders and 3 Vindicators

Scott caught this detachment before it could fire and mauled it. He
then continued that treatment until there was only one broken, heavily
suppressed vindicator left heading for the hills.

1 Imperial Armor Detachment: 6 Leman Russes and 3 Hellhounds

These boys had a lot of fun shooting up thousand sons and demons on the
Eldar flank and took down a few void shields on the Reaver before
succumbing to titan fire and demonic appetites.

3 Space Marine Infantry Detachments:

2nd Company and 3rd Company: 4 Tactical Squads, 2 Devastator Squads, 1
Captain, 1 Librarian each all mounted in Rhinos.

These marines were supposed to hold the center and right flank of the
Imperial side of the board while the titan and tanks broke through the
left flank. The thousand sons shooting proved superior to mine and
their supporting land raiders did a lot of damage to the 2nd Company.
The Third Company attempted, through overwatch, to shoot enough demons
(pink horrors and bloodletters) to prevent them assaulting and failed.
The demons outdid themselves in close combat and ate marines until they
were quite full. The remnants retreated, broken. The 2nd Company
followed shortly thereafter of its own volition to hopefully set up
another defensive line towards the rear.

8th Company Assault Detachment in Drop Pods: 7 Assault Squads, 1
Captain, 1 Librarian.

When the Eldar were starting to cause the Chaos forces in front of them
to crumble, these boys dropped right behind the Chaos lines. The
librarian unfortunately fell off the table, thus ending his career but
the rest fought off a pre-emptive attack by berserkers and proceeded to
take down all kinds of chaotic types, including the Plague Tower.
Unfortunately, they were unable to completely cut off the retreat route
of the Chaos forces opposing the Eldar, so the end-of-turn annihilation
was not to be. On a humor note, Scott had been rolling really well
until his berserkers attacked my assault marines. Needing 4+ to kill
with 7 dice Scott managed to roll ALL 1s!


Eldar Forces: 2500 Points


3 Nightwings, managed to shoot down a FireLord, were decimated by the


1 Phantom

Armed with two Pulsars, this titan was destroyed by a combination of
hell-knight firepower and land raider coup de grace once the holofield
was down. Never even got to fire.

1 Warlock

One d-cannon, one pulsar. Did well, picked off demons and helped
suppress the heck out of Chaos on the Eldar side.

2 Revenants

One was nearly crippled by a lucky shot, but they managed to destroy
two Questors between them with a little help from the jetbikes.

1 Scorpion Engine of Vaul

Consistently did well with pop-ups, was moderately damaged towards the
end but recovered to shoot up a few more fiends.

War Hosts:

10 Falcon Grav Tanks

They kept out of trouble and their pop-ups consistently harmed Chaos'
aspirations. Got hit by some artillery but otherwise stayed almost

10 Falcon Grav Tanks, 10 Guardian Units, 1 Farseer in Wave Serpent

Succeeded in firefighting most of the Chaos line on the Eldar side and
breaking them. We then set overwatch next turn and shot up quite a few
of 'em, but Chaos rolled a 6 to assault (on the supreme commander
re-roll). The resulting melee nearly brought the detachment to half
strength and killed most of the Guardians (I guess those demons were
pretty frustrated).

10 Jet Bikes, 5 Vypers

Got hammered by arty on Turn 1, managed to do little but damage the
Questors and then get nearly wiped out by 'em.



- Erik / Brother-Captain Caius / Farseer Ardhiel
Received on Thu Jul 31 1997 - 13:08:57 UTC

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