[Epic] Buildings version 0.2b

From: <csalvato_at_...>
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 97 16:14:47

Hello! Weell, after some re-reading and consideration of suggestions, here is
shiny version 2 of the building rules, with a scenario attached to boot! Enjoy,
and remember, despite my best efforts, these are as of yet not playtested in any
way shape or form. So I suppose this is Beta version 2.... I suppose...

Buildings and other large structurally sound edifices can be a godsend to the
fighting infantry of the 40th millennium. They provide cover, block LOS, and
make infantry much more comfortable. However, big immobile buildings are great
targets for titans and other powerful battlefield denizens.

Buildings are classified into four sizes: Small, Medium, Large, and Gigantic.
Small buildings should be no bigger than about 40 cm square and 40 cm tall.
Medium buildings are roughly twice the size, and large buildings are roughly
twice as big as Medium buildings. Gigantic buildings are truly humongous
edifices, such as the Imperial Buildings from Titan Legions. These are by no
means standard definitions, and you and your opponent should agree on building
sizes before the game begins. It may also help to make small counters to place
on buildings to denote their sizes, so that all players will know.

Medium 6+ 20 30
Large 6+ 30 45
Gigantic 6+ 40 60

Small 5+ 12 15
Medium 5+ 24 30
Large 5+ 36 45

Imperial buildings are built of plasteel and ceramite, but have power conduits
and fragile internal workings which need to be protected. Ork buildings, in
contrast, are buidl of simpler stuff and thus easier to penetrate, but harder to
blow to pieces in a single hit.

If you have buildings which do not seem to fit into these categories, feel free
to decide your own statistics for them. The above statistics are simply
designed to cover the buildings included in Titan Legions/Adeptus
Titanicus/Space Marine

Buildings may be entered and exited exactly as written in the Epic 40,000
rulebook. In all cases, damage dealt to detachments with units inside a building
must be dealt only to the units inside the building. If, for instance, a
Detachment of Rhinos and Space Marines is in a building which is on fire
(Critical 12), any hits from the 1d6 firepower attack caused by the fire must be
dealt to the marine infantry inside the building; they cannot be allocated to
the rhinos.

Any unit armed with a super heavy weapon, or any unit with the Heavy Weapons
ability may choose to target a building instead of an enemy detachment. Fire
aimed at a building is worked out exactly as if firing at an immobile war
engine. Buildings have armor values, damage capacities and critical and
catastrophic damage charts just like war engines. Note that Heavy Weapon
Batteries mounted on Titans *do* count as Super Heavy Weapons.

When a building is hit in the shooting phase, work out damage exactly as for a
war engine. If a detachment taking cover inside a building is hit by a super
heavy weapon with a template (mega-cannon, vortex missile, etc.), the building
suffers damage exactly as if it were the target of the attack. For example, if a
mega cannon were fired at infantry inside a building, the infantry in the
building and the building would both be hit, and suffer the effects. Buildings
never accumulate blast markers.

Buildings may be close assaulted by different units depending upon the size of
the building in question. Small buildings may be assaulted by infantry, vehicles
and war engines & titans, while medium buildings may only be assaulted by war
engines and titans and Large and up buildings may only be assaulted by Titans.
The Close Assault involving a Building is run exactly like a standard Close
Assault. Each side (building and assaulter) totals up their Assault values, and
adds appropriate modifiers. Each side rolls 1d6 and consults the close assault
table to determine their success in damaging the building. A number of dice are
rolled to try and meet or beat the building's armor value as follows:

Any amount of infantry: 1d6
Vehicles/War Engines/Titans 1d6 per unit

Thus if a small building is assaulted by only infantry stands, the assaulters
have but one d6 roll to try to beat the armor value of the building. If 3
stands of orks, 2 battlewagons, a Gargant, and an Ork Battle Fortress are
assaulting a Small building, the infantry stands would have 1 roll to beat the
armor value, the Battlewagons allow 1d6 each, and the Gargant another 1d6.
If a Titan is armed with a close assault weapon and close assaults a building,
they need not roll to meet or beat the armor value of the building. Instead,
they automatically beat the armor value and cause 1d6 damage to the building
instead of just 1, in addition to automatically causing 1 Critical damage roll.
In the above example, if the Gargant was armed with a Close Combat Weapon, it
would automatically beat the building's armor value and deal 1d6 points of
damage. Additionally, the building takes 1 automatic critical, in addition to
any that the other units in the assault may have inflicted.
There is one golden rule to close assault with Buildings:
The assaulters may never be driven off, nor suffer blast markers or casualties
due to the result if the close assault dice roll. Any hits which occur as a
result of critical damage to the building, however, are treated normally.

Roll Dmg Result
2 +3 The building shakes violently! All units inside the building
            are hit as if they were all under a barrage template (FP =
            # units in building) Units in the building do NOT gain the
            firepower reduction bonus for being in cover, but they DO
            gain the armor bonus of +1 for being inside a building

3-5 +1 The building is filled with flying debris! All detachments
            with units in the building are treated as if hit by a
            Disrupt Weapon (roll 4+ to place a blast marker on the

6-8 +0 The Building holds steady under the attack!

9 +1 The building shifts in its foundation! Detachments with
            units inside the building gain an additional blast marker.

10 +2 A large chunk of debris falls on a unit! One unit in the
            building takes a hit (Owner's choice)

11 +3 The Structure is severely damaged! Treat all units inside
            the building as if hit by a Barrage Weapon (FP = 1 x #
            units in the building) (See 2 above)

12 +4 The building bursts into flames! Each detachment in the
            building takes a 1d6 firepower hit immediately, and then
            each turn at the start of the shooting phase. Place a blast
            marker on the detachment if any units are hit. The owning
            player decides which units are hit (if any). Hit units must
            be inside the building, and if all units are destroyed
            before all hits are dealt, the remainder is lost. Units hit
            in this way gain the +1 armor benefit for buildings, but
            not the firepower reduction bonus for cover. Each turn the
            building takes 1 point of damage from the flames. Do not
            roll for critical damage for Fire damage

The only way to destroy a building is to reduce its Damage Capacity to 0 or
less. Once this is done, immediately roll on the Catastrophic Damage chart
below, consulting the roll chart that corresponds to the size of the target
building. When a building is destroyed, place a suitably large marker or ruins
piece to represent the smoldering rubble which is left behind.

1-2 1-3 1-4 Unstable The Building becomes unstable and is
                              likely to collapse at any moment. Roll
                              1d6 at the beginning of each turn; on a 5
                              or 6, the building falls apart as in
                              Destroyed below.

3-4 4-5 5-6 Crumbling The building begins a slow crumble! roll
                              1d6 to hit each unit still inside the
                              building at the end of each movement
                              phase. At the beginning of each turn,
                              roll a d6: on a 5 or 6, the building is
                              completely Destroyed as below

5-6 6 --- Destroyed The building collapses under the
                              incredible strain! Units inside the
                              building and within 5cm are destroyed
                              unless they roll a 4+,and roll 1d6 to hit
                              units within 1d6 cm for small buildings,
                              2d6 cm for medium buildings, and 3d6 cm
                              for large+.
SCENARIO: Desperate Defense

A large force is defending a city where VIPs are holed up awaiting transport out
of the warzone. The attackers, aware of the VIPs' presence but not their
location, are waging a last ditch assault to destroy the bunkers which are
housing the VIPs.

The following special rules are used in this scenario:

Both sides pick armies up to an agreed-upon number of points.

1. Choose a defender by any means available. The Defender sets up all of the
buildings and ruins on the defending half of the board. It should be
relatively dense. The Attacker's side of the table should be set up with
standard terrain, with at least two roads heading directly into the city area.

2. The defender, in secret, places one Bunker objective counter per 500 points
in the defending force *underneath* separate buildings on his or her side of the
table. The Attacker should not know where these objectives are hidden.

3. The Defender sets up all of his detachments first, anywhere in the city.
Infiltraors may add 30 cm to their initial move.

4. The Attacker sets up by placing the HQ units of his detachments on his side
of the board. During the first movement phase, the attacking detachments are
allowed to move onto the board. Attyacking infiltrators may be set up up to
30cm into the table.

5. The Defender gains one morale each turn per Bunker counter which remains

The Attacker is attempting to find and destroy the Bunker Objectives, and drive
off the defenders.
The Defender is attempting to turn back the attackers while losing as few
objectives as possible.

The attacker may only lern of the location of the counters by exploring the
buildings as follows:

Infantry which enter a building may immediately look under the building for the
counter. If it is found, it may be destroyed as per bunker objectives.

A detachment may attempt to scan for the bunkers during the shooting phase by
rolling a d6: on a 5-6, the defender must reveal any and all bunker counters
within 10 cm of the scanning detachment. On a 1-4, the bunkers remain
undetected. Flyers may never scan for bunkers.

A building which is destroyed will automatically destroy any objective counters

The defender loses standard morale for losing Bunkers

The first army to reduce the opponent to 0 morale wins.
Ya know, I can actually see Tyranids as defenders in this:

Several pockets of captured genetic material have been taken, and are awaiting
transport to the massive hive ships above. Imperial Space Marines, unwilling to
allow their bretheren to be used to bolster the tyranid swarm, launch a
desperate assault to deprive the bugs of their geneseed...

Heh, right outa space hulk...

Anyway, Questions? Comments?
Received on Fri Aug 01 1997 - 15:14:47 UTC

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