painting cheques on a reaver - was RE: [Epic] My Marines

From: Philip Troy Routley <ptr320_at_...>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 03:03:39 -0600 (CST)

>At 03:00 PM 8/5/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>>Black armor with red shoulder pads looks good, but how the hell do I paint
>>>my tanks (Land Raider body black with red sponsons.)
>>>Anybody have any ideas of a black and red tank scheme. Use a land raider to
>>----> Speaking with the bloody stump of experience, try quartering it.
>>Looking from the top down, think of a line vertically down the middle
>>and a line horizontally across the middle - 4 sections.
>>Paint the Left front half and the Right rear half red, and the opposite
>>parts black. Looks good if you can pull it off. Then paint the tracks a
>>silver/boltgunmetal/ other, and the guns, and you have a very distinct
>>unit. Works on rhinos too, if you decide to follow through with them.
>>Or just go camo. : )
>> I did Howling Griffs for 40K(like someone else on the list, I believe
>>- nice site Carl) , and they were a pain in the ass (quartered red &
>>Naturally I had to do it for Epic too, and it was also a pain. To me,
>>infantry were easier than the vehicles, because you need to pick your
>> break line very carefully and make it very neat, or it looks like crap.
>>If you can do that, though, it looks pretty nice. Oh, and on some I
>>cheated - I used a dividing line of white. Still looks good though.
>> I also proceeded to paint a lot of Blood Angels and Ultramarines...
>>Chris Miller
>Thanks Chris, sounds like a plan, here's an idea for your line problem.
>Collect a lot of foil from cigarette packages, and use that for your lines.
>It's straight, and it is thin enough to go in details to avoid the paint
>seeping under it, kinda like gold foiling, but you remove it to do the other
>side. For example, I would paint the red squares, mask it off with the foil,
>and then paint the black for a nice straight line. I have a total of 24
>tanks currently, so that will take plenty of packs, but luckily both parents
>are heavy smokers.

Ahhh... nicotine...

I just picked up a reaver titan ($12.25 Canadian) and painted the left
shoulderpad and left half of the left foot chequey white and yellow. I
also painted dark angel chapter icons and termie icons on the shoulderpads
of my termies. The secret is to water the paint down lots, and use a very
fine brush. It doesn't take very long at all.

To do the cheques, I painted the area white (over white primer), the shaded
with grey. Then I painted on thin yellow lines vertically, evenly spaced
(by eye, about 1 mm apart). After that, I painted horizontal lines in
yellow, staggering them between the verticals, so that the top of one
horizontal matched up with the bottoms of adjacent horizontals:


I then filled in the yellow squares, and using white squared off the white
squares (so that the vertical line is no longer there - the squares match
corner to corner with no overlap). A bit of orange to shade the yellow
squares and make them stand out more finished the area.

Other little tidbits: I applied the transfer on the front center of the leg
before starting the cheques, so that I could paint over the edge of the
transfer right up to the black circle (that T in the circle titan legion
symbol), and so that the transfer had a plain white background.

Received on Wed Aug 06 1997 - 09:03:39 UTC

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