RE: [Epic] Epic 40k Armies -Reply

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 13:56:32 -0500

>BTW, does anyone have any idea what theme music would be
>appropriate for a
>Tyranid recruitment drive?
>A sad man known as Chris has an evensadder friend (fiend?)
>known as Kelvin. He suggests that maybe we could use the theme
>from that well known English children's movie
>Chitten Chitten Bang Bang
>For all those Tyranids armed with Deathspitters, and Venom
>Cannon, and Spike rifles etc etc
>Munch Munch
-----> ya know, I used to think that the worst thing about
tyranids was their mass of cheesy special rules...
I was mistaken.
Obviously what is wrong is the type of person who would
play one.

Please, stop them before they post again...

Chris Miller
Received on Wed Aug 06 1997 - 18:56:32 UTC

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