Re: [Epic] Adepts Ministorum Detachment

From: Bayani R Caes <bayanic_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 10:46:11 +0100

Nickles wrote:
> It first came to me when I noticed how many Necro' players
> used the...whatsits...I forget their name...

Eschers. I blame them for the existance of Sororitas models.
> Anyway, the girl gang. Now, apparently, the Sisters are a hot
> item. Let's face it, there aren't that many females who play tabletop
> wargames, or paint miniatures, or play RPGs or any of that stuff.
> Perhaps these items are popular because of some kind of subconscious
> yearning for the female form while we sit in our musty, poorly lit
> war-dens sipping caffeinated beverages. You'll notice that the models
> are

Nipply! <slaps hand over mouth> (You can tell these guys didn't date a
lot in highschool.)

Seriously folks--When I went to Games Day 96, of the ten Necromunda
Golden Demon finalists, 7 submitted Escher gangs. Of the three winners,
the first and third place winners submitted Escher gangs. :P

Let's not even bring up what happened in WHFB with the Witch Elves and
the recent release of Brettonian Sorceresses....

Received on Thu Aug 14 1997 - 09:46:11 UTC

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