Re: [Epic] Dune Epic 40K units

From: Mike Bowen <mbowen_at_...>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 22:24:50 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 25 Aug 1997, Sauron Moridor wrote:

> Sauron1 writes; I must admit first to only reading the first novel. But the
> movie puzzles me. The opening first part was read by a young princes of the
> royal house. Who was she and what happened to her? Also the Austreopaths
> were warped by the spice they used,and first developed oversized craniums,
> the early 25mm 40k Austiopath figures had the same head enlargements,
> coincidence? sauron1

the "big head" IG pyskers were for rogue trader. at that time,
psyker=mutant, so they had to look a little weird, for the humans that
didn't have major powers got to "serve" the Emperor by keeping
the golden throne powered up. So, big head = good psyker = gets to live.

when was the last time GW talked about the black arks in White Dwarf?

Received on Tue Aug 26 1997 - 03:24:50 UTC

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