Tyler Provick <bprovick_at_...> has carefully scribed:
>Necromunda, gone? Can't say that I'm not surprised, it was an badly
>produced. It was a good idea, but they didn't playtest enough, and the game
>just couldn't hold an audience. Basically because a couple of people got to
>the top, stayed there, and dominated. It didn't have the fun of picking
>armies, you got a beginning gang, but it sucked.
>I am a little disappointed, but again, not surprised.
>And now they're coming out with GorkaMorka, which is basically Orky
>Necromunda with vehicles?
Yeah. I actually thought of Ork, Eldar (not craftworlds, though), Squat
and so on WAY before GorkaMorka was even thought of, at least I think so
(I'm talking years here). Did anybody else have the same ideas? Instead
of Juves, you would have Wildboyz, Stormboyz instead of arbitrators,
squigs, grethcin assistants, and so on...
<emblem of Slaanesh>
'Mad Dog' McAlister
/\ Colen McAlister, AKA 'Mad Dog' McAlister,
/--\ Chaos Lord of Slaanesh, Keeper of the
|| Unholy Keys, Lord of the Third Realm,
|| |\ Cleaner of the 8 Steps and Chosen
/-- ---- \ of the Chaos Gods
\-- ---- /
| | |/ colen_at_...
\---/ or http://www.bryanmac.demon.co.uk/colen
Received on Tue Aug 26 1997 - 18:29:30 UTC