[Epic] Still reducing my armies.

From: Keith Zanardi <xenofobe_at_...>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 22:59:18 -0500 (EST)

        Hi, I still have some Ork and Tyranid stuff for sale.

       Here is a list: These are individual figures, NOT blisters.
       3 Bone Crunchas (old style) $5
       3 Bone Breakas (old style) $5
       6 Spleen Rippas $5 for 3
       3 Bowel Burnas $5
       3 Scorchers $4
       3 Lungburstas $4
       3 Gutrippas (old style) $5
       4 Ork Dreadnoughts (old lead) $8
       5 Tinbots $5
       3 Battle Wagons (lead) $4
       5 War Buggies (old lead) $10
       1 Bubble Chucka $2
       3 Squig Catapults $4
       1 Mega Gargant (all cards etc.) (new) $10
       3 Tyranid Hierodule bio-titans (new) $12 each
        All prices are PLUS shipping.

Received on Sat Feb 01 1997 - 03:59:18 UTC

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