Re: [Epic] Thoughts on Ork Tribes

From: Erik K. Rutins <snowdo1_at_...>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 15:28:08 -0400

> Is there some reason that the Snakebites don't get Nobz? I
> don't have the flavor stuff in front of me, but didn't recall any
> restrictions. What did the company card look like in Epic2?

Ah.. I'm no Ork guru, like I said, but for what it's worth this was my

Nobz wear power armour and use all kinds of really advanced Orky
weapons. Way too technological for Snakebites. I could definitely be
wrong on this - perhaps the Snakebite Nobz merely have 'really potent
warpaint' or something?


- Erik

"Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble
up, if you will ever dig."
- Marcus Aurelius
Received on Mon Sep 08 1997 - 19:28:08 UTC

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