[Epic] Traitor Titan Legions

From: C.Sinclair <csi_at_...>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 09:43:39 +0100

I don't have the books about at the moment, and it's been a while sinc eI
read the fluff but....

The most infamous traitor titan legion is the Legio Mortis, the Death's
Head. It was because of the excesses of this legion's scout titan company
on Paramar (or something similar, no doubt I will be corrected) that scout
titans are now only organised in squadrons. I'm sure the fluff also
mentioned the Senior Princeps of the Scout company.

The fluff is in a sidebar panel in Codex Titanicus from the Titan Legions set.

Hope this helps.

Colin Sinclair
Department of Economics
Glasgow Caledonian University
G4 0BA

Tel: +44 (0141)331 3350
Fax: +44 (0141)331 3293
E-mail: csi_at_...
Received on Fri Sep 19 1997 - 08:43:39 UTC

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