> I'd be interested, what sort of turnaround time were you thinking of for the
> turns? Krass
As quick as it takes you to complete the turn, and send the email. If this first
phase works out, I can easily make it a sockets program so that it will connect
through a network or internet, and make it so you could play real time. This
second version would be a serious undertaking though. The first one I could
probably do in a few spare days.
> Sauron1 writes; Yes I would be interested. Is it to be Epic40k or Epic2nd?
> sauron1
Epic 40k. These are the only rules I have in my possion, and not knowing
anything about the previous rules, I cannot comment on how easy/hard they would
be to incorporate. Epic 40k seems very conducive to turn based runs. Obvious
1. Player A gets the initiative for a phase. Instead of conducting his phase, he
wants the other player to "go first". So his turn would be simply selecting to
go second. This will make for very long turns (ie both sides get to go through
all phases). The upper end would be 3 emails per phase (1st email denying going
first, 2nd email being the "real" first player, 3rd email being the "real" second
player"). At 4 phases, this could be up to 12 emails per turn, 6 turns equals 72
emails to complete a game.
Obvious advantages:
1. You can play people you will never meet in a game.
2. You can work out strategy to use in real games.
3. If I add a VCR like ability, you can play back all your games.
Anyway, this would be completly free of charge, and would require a lot help with
the logic of it all.
Oh, I could make it an applet / server so you could really play "realtime".
However, that would require someone offering web hosting for the game server.
(and again, would be a longer project to complete).
// William Rood - Systems Development
// Dow Jones and Company, Inc.
// mailto:wrood_at_...
Received on Fri Sep 26 1997 - 15:28:02 UTC