On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, Mark A Shieh wrote:
> allen_at_... (A. Allen McCarley) writes:
> > Not quite. If they are in the same detatchment as the THawk, then they
> > must have the same order as the THawk. This means that all of the
> > enemy interceptors will still get to fire first.
> Eh? I thought order of firing went as follows:
> 1) Flier with the highest init fires.
> 2) If you can't do this, then the flier tied for highest init and
> Intercept orders fires.
> I can't remember how alternating works offhand. But I remember
> that initiative took priority over orders. Could someone find that
> paragraph in the back of the battles book and remind me? :( No books
> at work.
Mark is right. Intercept orders are only used after checking for a tied
init. Some examples:
A Doomwing [int 4] will *always* fire before *any* imperial fighter
regardless of orders as a 4 beats a 3 [or 2 or 2] and intercept does not
matter if you are beat.
A fighta-bomba [int 3] detachment will alternate fire with a TBolt [int 3]
detachment. Since they both have the same intercept whoever is on Intercept
orders will fire the first shot. Note that both sides still alternate.
Put another way:
1) Highest init will fire first
2) If tied then you *will* alternate
2a) the first shot will go to the one on intercept
Not sure offhand what happens if you are tied and both are on intercept.
Dice for the first shot perhaps?? Anyone?
Hope that helps a bit.
Sean U
Sean A Upchurch |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory | EPIC /spmar/spmar.html
sau_at_... | WH40K /wh40k/40k.html +others!
Received on Wed Oct 01 1997 - 22:16:30 UTC